Students and Graduates alike – we welcome you to your future and ask you: “what type of jobseeker are you?”

  • Are you the individual that thinks you “know it all” just because you have a degree/diploma and/or because you are currently studying towards one; or
  • Are you one of the few individuals that embrace the opportunity to study further and realise that a Tertiary Education is merely the first step in your journey toward having a successful career?

The schooling part of your life might be over but remember this: “Graduation is the beginning of your life… not the end of your studies!”~Newton D. Baker said: “The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after”.

As students/graduates you need to realise that there are thousands of people out there that are more qualified, more skilled and more knowledgeable than you – and that these are the people that you ultimately want to work for, learn from and grow with! Don’t get blind sighted by the widely reported number of job losses spread across major industry sectors. Focus on your future and on how you are going to get employed!

Getting employed:  Just like getting your qualification has taking or took hard work, dedication and time so too will the preparation for employment take time, effort and dedication. You are going to need skill, knowledge and certain tools to enter the employment market successfully, which include:

  • A professionally written Curriculum Vitae;
  • A well written Advert Response Note, Cover Letter and/or Candidate Motivation;
  • Technical graduates will need a Skills Matrix;
  • Knowing where to look for suitable employment;
  • Understanding the application process;
  • Know how the interviewing process works;
  • Know what you can and can’t say in an interview;
  • Knowing what to wear to an interview;
  • Preparing for an interview with an employment agency;
  • Preparing for an interview with an employer.

REMEMBER THIS: In the current economically climate having a Tertiary Qualification, true ambition and a sincere passion for business is not necessarily enough to get you that dream job!

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